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UAA’s Gifted & Talented Achiever Program, (G-TAP)


The G-TAP is the antidote that combats barriers for students of color in the school system such as implicit bias, systemic racism, academic achievement opportunity gaps, poorly funded schools, and the School-to-Prison-Pipeline that affects many students of color.


Providing Students of Color access to equitable, rigorous educational enrichment and career pipelines is what UAA’s G-TAP is all about!  UAA is accepting new Student Achievers now for 2024/2025. 


Select “Request for Services & Information” to be contacted in August.


BLACK MINDS MATTER:  2022 Fact Sheet

April 19, 2022, by Ed Trust – West


Since the original release of Black Minds Matter in 2015, California has made some progress on living up to its educational responsibilities to Black students and families – but there’s still a long way to go.


Data show that Black families and communities deeply value education, yet structural racism and institutions continue to limit Black students’ access to opportunities and support for educational success.


Ed Trust–West urges local and state leaders as well as educators and fellow advocates to use this updated fact sheet as another wake-up call that we all must do much more to support California’s Black students.

What is the School to Prison Pipeline?


A disturbing national trend wherein children are funneled out of public schools and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. 

UAA’s campaign is to the STOP the “School-to-Prison-Pipeline” and START the “Pipeline-to-Educational- Opportunities”. 

Read More


UAA Sacramento NSBE Jr. Chapter 

UAA Sacramento NSBE Jr Chapter is a Pre-College Initiative of the National Society of Black Engineers designed to increase the number of middle and high school students that elect to pursue higher education in STEM and/or other technical areas and is open to all students. 

UAA partner is the National Society of Black Engineers, (NSBE). 

We Need Your Support Today!

Provide students and families with a holistic and personalized approach that empowers and uplifts both the student and their family in their pursuit of academic achievement, excellence, educational equity, and economic sustainability for improved quality of life.

Telephone: (916) 644-2994


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